– I am now two weeks in todaily driving the iPhone 12 Pro. And that might lead you toask the question, Linus, where is your review ofthe iPhone 12 lineup? And the answer is Ididn’t really definitely sounds like I can talk about the iPhone 12 lineup. And generally we only doone Linus Tech Tips video per new iPhone open, until I had matched the whole family.And that is just what I’ll be doing today. One of these two inventions is going to replace the1 2 Pro in my pocket. And the above reasons for that, is I saw the 12 Pro to be kind of like a, a tweener, you know? It’s not really small enough for me to totally comfortably use it one-handed, but it’s not really bigenough to satisfy my content uptake, youknow, advocates, so to speak because remember people, the invention I came from wasactually the Galaxy Fold, well the second one, actually, the Galaxy Z Fold 2. So going from that various kinds of ascreen to this was like, eh, yeah, I guess it’s okay, It’s all right, I predict. So in front of me thenis the iPhone 12 Mini and the iPhone 12 Pro Max. Which one you want to see firstly, Andy? -[ Andy] The bigger one. – The big-hearted one? You miss the big one? You got it, I thought we weregoing to say the chunk is for the end. All right, let’s gostraight to the chunkgest. This is the chungessy, chungessiest iPhone that we’ve ever had. Look at the freaking wait, is that camera bump actually bigger? No , no okay it time feelsgigantic because of probably this marble surface from D symbol. Of trend the phones were is sending out D firebrand because Apple does not send me devices, so there you have it.Well, it’s big all right. I truly don’t know about thesquareness at this width, dude. This is a massive feelingdevice, face ID, soul. I’m going to talk about itmore in the full asses, but face ID is like notgreat for a COVID world where I’m wearing a mask anywhere from six to 10 hours a day, it’snot a great experience.Some apps don’t handlenotifications very gracefully if you don’t look at itand have face ID work and you have to like swipeaway like Twitter mentions, for example, “if youre using” your passcode tounlock, they’re just gone. You can’t precisely pull down the tint or I don’t know what Apple announces it, but what I would calla notification shade. You can’t merely attract itdown and be like, oh yo, all those notifications, they’re gone. So not being able to useface ID all the time. The point that there’sno fingerprint sensor in these ability buttons isdriving me freaking crazy. Anyway, let’s go ahead and useApple’s super cool painless setup plan now. I also hate the securityor rather the insecurity of using my rod, my passcode all the time, because you never knowif someone’s watching, like that’s one of thebest things about face ID is that your second authentication influence is one that you don’t have tohave on display all the time.Like I ever feel likeI’m at a public bolt pad. I should be like vanishing like this. Ah, contained your brand-new iPhone up to the camera. Apple’s probably sittingthere travelling like, what? Who improves from aniPhone 12 Pro to a Pro Max? As with the 12 pro you get a cable and you get a little look at this, got a little SIM removal tool, get that little applet. Hey, they only give one Apple sticker now? It’s well-balanced. That’s something Apple hasalways done extremely well. It is, it fixes such a bigdifference in the handling.Like, especially as inventions came bigger, it became more and more important for them to be well-balanced becauseyou’d get like a top ponderous one and you placed it in your hand, oh no, what happened to my phone? Don’t worry it’s not going tobe damaged because we got this three and a half millimeterthick LTT Northern Lights, mousepad lttstore.com, actuallyit’s not available yet. Coming soon though. This video is introduce into you by Soundcore The Soundcore appreciative giveaway is basically just someappreciation to our viewers. They’re giving away over 300 items, including to Soundcore Liberty 2 Pros, 30 Flare 2 Bluetooth talkers, those things are flippingawesome and more. A huge peculiarity if you dohappen to prevail a Flare 2, or if you buy one is of course party cast, which allows you to pairup to a hundred, actually, I don’t think there’s a limit, but we did a hundred ofthem at the same time off of a single Bluetooth device, it manipulates utterly flawlessly. My minors use it all the time. So check out the linkin the video description to enter the giveaway right away.Transferring data, timeremaining gauge. I don’t think I havea ton of data on now. I haven’t taken like aton of images and video in spite of how impressive the camera is. All right now let’s have alook while this does its thing. Let’s have a look at thelittle bitty Linus sized one. Where is my iPhone 4? Hey Jono, where’s that bucket of iPhones? This is tiny. Like this reminds me of the first SE or like the 5, fiveand 5S or something. It’s even kind of light extremely. Extremely coming fromholding one of these more, more chunkesy ones. There’s your Type C lighten. Ah, yes, good. Here’s my iPhone container. Okay. In terms of length, especially with the contingency onit’s actually not that far off.It is bigger though. God, that notch looks unholy big-hearted on a phone this small though. That’s like more notchthan Minecraft, you are familiar with? Know what I’m saying? I won’t to try my passcode, but like, wow, “thats one” handable. Like if you don’t do aton of content consumption on the go with your telephone, boy, is that ever handleable. I like it. And what’s great is unlikewhat we’ve seen happen with Android over its first year, Apple hasn’t crippled this thing. They didn’t is now going kept likea crappier processor in or anything, this is a full solid iPhone 12, like it doesn’t get obviouslythe same triple camera setup as the iPhone 12 Pro. So there, there is, there are definitelysome settlements now, but they’re tiny ones, they’re small ones. And I would expect becausethey’re all running the same processor thatyou would ascertain patronage last for a same sum of season compared to the otheriPhone 12 own family members. -[ Jono] How much is the Pro Max? – Pro Max? I don’t know, if you haveto ask you can’t open it.You know how it is. Should I try and daily drive this thing? -[ Andy] Yeah, you should try the Mini. – You’re going to miss the screen width. Do you watch any Tv ormovies on your phone? -[ Andy] No. – Nothing? – Nothing. – Oh, look, I’m a big mobilemobile media consumer. Like it.- I would do that while I am sounding. – It’d be really tough to have.( giggles)( beep) – Wow. – You know what reallyhas been bothering me very in the last couple of weeks? The reality that you can’tjust place anything you miss in word center.And also why the( beep) is there not a names require centre gadget? And what is with thearbitrary sorting in now? Like why is camera inlike where’s camera again? I was looking for camera, it took me like ages. Yeah there. Why is camera in withlike photos and Apple TV and like play middle? And they don’t have headers. So there’s no like clear rhyme or reason behind how these things are grouped now. Why is App Store and wallet and,( high pitch buzzing) Okay, sorry, sorry. This is no longer, this is notmy review of the phone. I time want to watch amovie on a big iPhone screen because boy is the screenever spectacular with chunk.It’s not even thicker. It’s just it’s squared off. You know, I fantasized I demanded this, which is what’s really funny about it. Like that was one of thefirst things that I said I was provoked about yetactually using it daily, truly just not as comfy. So here’s the 11 Pro Max for comparison. Very same thicknes, actually a touch , no, it feels really big ,’ cause it really is really big. Okay. They genuinely haven’t done much about how thick-witted those bezelsare either, have they? Touch thinner total. And I predict the squaredoffness cures with that. So it does means that the screen is larger. I am so disappointed that the notch, A continues to be there at all and B continues to be so darn good. Wait, Andy, I initially saidthey didn’t look different. Wait, is that camera bump actually bigger? No , no okay. But I was totally wrong. No, they’re totally different.Look how much bigger theone on the 12 Pro Max is. So that’s, that clears gumption.’ Cause it does have alonger telephoto lens. Well, that’s one compelling reason to carry a bigger chunkgusphone in your pocket. Having up to two and a half X optical zoom is pretty nice too. Let’s fire up YouTube forsome content consumption. Man, that is really small. And look at this. Oh my God, look what they did. When you’re watching fullscreen 16 by nine material, you’re not just dealingwith the rounded angles, you get a little bit of notch. Oh, why did you do this? Your Apple, you can create a display in anyaspect ratio and kind factor you crave, all you had to do was make the phone one millimeter taller.- Oh to be fair, our aspect food is 2: 1. – Oh, oh, that’s true itis, it’s 2:1, you’re right. It’s on us, it’s on us. Why couldn’t we are only become ourvideo one millimeter narrower? You know what? The more I play games thePro Max and the Mini, the more I’m like yeah, the 12 and the 12 Pro areprobably the claim size. And given that the characteristics of the 12 Pro, so you get the LIDAR scanneras well as the third camera are like not going to make a huge deal to the vast majority of people, the 12 was like the winner, doesn’t it? Unless you absolutelymust have a tiny iPhone because you’re still rockingthe like 5S or something and you, you can’t let it go. If that’s you, if you’re one of these, this is going to be wild, woopsie daisies, this is gonna be real comfortable.( deep expression mumbles) The screen is brokenor not the screen, the, the protection that was on it.All right then. So what’s stronger? What’s stronger traditional tempered glass or the ceramic glass? We, we, we mashed iPhonestogether until we knew for sure. All right, Andy, I’m gonna do it. I’ll try the 12 Mini. I’ll set my SIM in this and what you guys shouldtry is getting subscribed to Short Circuit formore first impressions and quick looks andall that kind of stuff ..
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